Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Beast! A Scary Halloween Exercise Equipment Special!


Just in time for Halloween a very scary beast lurks in the shadows

You can find the beast lurking in the home gyms of stars like Tony Robbins, Sylvester Stallone, and Tom Cruise

The beast is a scary, huge, toothless moster that promises that it will devour you in only 4 minutes, stripping all of the fat off of your body and leaving only bones!

Many hunt this beast but few can afford to undertake this quest

I won't show you the beast just yet (much to scary)

I do not want to frighten you (not yet anyway)...


if you are BRAVE ENOUGH to keep scrolling I will show you the face of this monster and how to vanquish this perilous creature

The monster is HUGE, heavy, has many arms and legs that will rip the fat from your body, and burn the fat in it's firey belly!

Brave soul, you have scrolled down far enough and for your courage I will now show you the beast!

Prepare yourself!


Here it is...


(The Beast! (Also Known as The "R.O.M")!!!!

The scary monster known as the "Beast" is really the R.O.M., which stands for Range Of Motion.

This is a VERY, VERY EXPENSIVE iece of exercise equipment manufactured in California since 1990 that has a price tag of only $14,615...

Yes, you read that correctly:

$14,615 for one piece of exercise equipment!!!!!

Now that is SCARY!!!

You must understand that this piece of exercise equipment is meant to be for people with large amounts of disposable income (guys like Tom Cruise, Tony Robbins, and Sly Stallone!!!).

The ROM promises total fitness results in ONLY 4 Minutes of exercise! I am sure that this monstorous machine really does deliver some impressive fitness results in short periods of time.

However, I do not believe that you have to spend $14,615 to achieve the same benefits of the ROM fat loss and strengthening system.

Let's take a look at what the ROM really does and see if I can show you a low cost alternative to this 'beastly' machine.

Key benefits of the ROM:

  • Trains the enetire body focusing on all major muscle groups
  • Focuses on High Intensity Interval Training which has been proven effective for improved fat loss, muscle growth, and improved cardiovascular function in workouts lasting only 4 minutes in duration
  • Improves flexibility and range of motion by performing strength training movements through a complete range of motion
  • Elicits maximum fat loss and fitness results in minimum time

Now, if the price tag does not scare you enough let me tell you this.

You DON'T NEED A 14,615-Dollar piece of equipment to get all of these benefits and MORE!

All you need is your bodyweight. The company selling the ROM probably does not want you to know that you can achieve the exact same fitness results that this machine delivers for FREE!!!!!

You can perform all of the same movements that they ROM delivers with your own bodyweight and a pair of light dumbbells.

You can perform 4 minute workouts where you work hard for 20 seconds and then perform either active rest for 10 seconds or a lower intensity exercise for that "rest period."

These 4 minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts are amazing additions to a fat loss plan and are actually fun to perform (if you ahve a scary work ethic and aren't afraid of some lactic acid-type burning sensations in your muscles!). :)

Here is a sample Bodyweight HIIT workout that you can perform with no 'beastly-equipment' needed:

Sample BodyWeight HIIT Workout

1. Warm-up with some joint mobility exercises and light calisthenics like jumping jacks for 5 minutes or so.

2. Perform Burpees as fast as you can for 20 seconds. Begin by standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Rapidly squat down and place hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back to land in a pushup position. Immediately return your feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible from the squat position.

(Burpee Sequence)

3. Perform Light Recovery-Based, Jumping Jacks at a very slow pace for 10 seconds. This is your "rest" period so enjoy it!

4. Go back and forth between these two exercises for 4 minutes!!!

That's it. Start slow and try this 4 minute heart-pumping workout. Let me warn you that this is not for beginners and I take no responsibility if you kick your own butt too hard! Start slow with this type of training and gradually work your way into it.

It can be extremely effective as a fat loss and fast fitness tool if time is of the essence.

If you want to save yourself $15 Grand while achieving better fat loss results and improved cardiovascular function in only 4 minutes of intense exercise then CLICK HERE!!!

Train with purpose and Happy Halloween!

--Kyle Battis

PS - If you want fast fitness results without spending $14,615 then run on over to the link below and order yourself a copy of my DVD that shows you ten different 4-minute HIIT workouts that you can perform any time, any place. CLICK HERE to learn more!


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