Saturday, October 28, 2006

“D.I.S.C.P.L.I.N.E.” The Key To Fat Loss!

The Key To Fat Loss

While there is no magic bullet, there is one word to sum it all up:


D= DAILY GOALS. Goals provide direction guiding you to your destination. People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.

I= INVESTIGATE PATTERNS. Investigate patterns and/or barriers to your success or inability to obtain success. Do you win “the clean the plate award?” Are you eating too much, too fast, with too many portions on your plate? If so, identify obstacles and set a goal. For example, pack your own healthy lunch or if you do go out to eat pack up half the meal for a meal later in the day rather than eating it all at once.

S= SELF-ASSESSMENT. Take an honest self-assessment. This includes both a food log and exercise journal. Know where you stand with the components of fitness.

C= COMMITMENT AND COURAGE TO CHANGE. Take control of your destination by overcoming barriers. If you truly want to be a different person, commit to the change. Start living and acting “as if” –What would you do differently that you are not doing now?

I= INTENSITY. If you want to get there faster think of I.C.E. Intensity, Concentration, and Enthusiasm. Crank up the intensity in your workout, stay completely focused on the task and begin each day with an enthusiastic, positive attitude. The more intense your workout, the more calories you will expend. Intensely focus in the direction of your goals.

P= PRE-PLAN. Pre-plan your workouts and your meals. You will have better control over your destination. Stay disciplined and follow the plan. “A goal without a plan is futile and a plan without action is fatal.”

L= LEARN. As sport psychologist Dr. Terry Orlick says: “Always Learning Lessons.” “Only by drawing lessons out of your experiences will you learn to excel.” Learn from your self-assessment tools, i.e., food log and exercise journals. Keep a journal observing your patterns and behaviors that get in your way. Be good to yourself....”Throw away the experience, but keep the lesson.”

I= INTRINSIC MOTIVATION. Enjoy and trust the process. If you are intrinsically motivated you love life. Live your best life! Learn to like exercise and eating healthy. If you are setting a goal for somebody else, the extrinsic reward may not be gratifying. Self-gratification, not instant gratification. Trust the process and enjoy the journey.

N= NUTRITION. Fuel your body for success. There is food for your body to nourish it and fuel for socialization. If you want a fast car, fuel it with high-octane fuel: healthy choices! Its well worth meeting with a Registered Dietician skilled in coaching people to eat in a healthier manner to develop life-long eating skills.

E= EAT TO LIVE AND EXERCISE FOR HEALTH. If nothing else, begin by living a healthier lifestyle by choosing foods to live by and exercising to reduce risks.


Kiefiuk, Debbie. Supertraining List. 7/25/2002.


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