Saturday, October 28, 2006

Program Yourself Thin!! Replay of Interview With Fat Loss Expert Jim Katsoulis!

Why do some people lose weight so easily-while you try everything possible and barely lose a pound?

Have you ever wondered why being thin is so difficult even though you want it so badly? What if there was a way that you could drop 5, 10, 20 pounds permanently all on dieting, no pills, no deprivation.

My friend and colleague Jim Katsoulis has some answers for you. Jim is in my local Mastermind group and his mindset training information is top-notch.

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Jim and in this interview he will share some tips and mental tricks that will help you 'program yourself thin!'

(To discover how to Program YourSelf Thin
click on the Play Button above!)

If you want to learn more about Jim's fabulous mental re-training program then CLICK HERE!

About Jim

Jim Katsoulis is a Master Hypnotist and Weight Loss Expert. He has conducted over 1,000 weight loss sessions and has helped clients of all ages create the body and lives that they want.

He is dedicated to helping people recapture their sense of excitement, passion, and gratitude using cutting edge mental programming technology.Using this very technology he has personally dropped 50 pounds and kept it off. These methods have worked when everything else has failed.Many of his clients have called him a "Personal Change Guru" for his ability to rapidly find permanent solutions to difficult problems.

He is thankful for having been able to learn from some of the best people in the fields of personal change. And has been certified as a Master Hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists, received his Master NLP Practitioner Certification from Bennett/Stellar University, and received his Yoga Instructor certification from Sivananda ashram in Val Morin, Canada. To learn more about Jim's Program Yourself Thin course and how it can help you discover your dream body Click Here!


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