Thursday, November 16, 2006

Working On Your Head - How Your Mind Dictates Your Fitness Results...

Dear success-seeker,

You need to 'work on your head' all the time.

What I mean by "working on your head" is that you should constantly be feeding
your mind positive information, you should be challenging long-held limiting
beliefs, you should be exercising your creative abilities, and you should be
expanding that hunk of grey matter stuck between your ears as much as you can.

Understand that the current physical state of your body is simpy a reflection
of your mind.

Your values, beliefs, mental programs, your tendancies of moving towards things
or away things, and ultimately how you percieve the world is key to your health
and fitness levels.

Chances are that you have an abundance of junk mental programming jammed into
your brain (from the wrong environment, from your parents, from the media, etc).

In order to achieve better fitness results you should be trying to reprogram
your control center with the right programs that will deliver the right results.

One way to 'feed the mind' is to spend time with mentors and successful people
so that you can model their behaviors and learn how they have become successes.

(Remember, success leaves clues).

I recommend becoming a Sherlock Holmes of success and searching for those clues
all the time.

By hanging out with a bunch of successful people all weekend long who have
already done what I want to do I learned an astronomical ammount of high-powered,
life-changing information.

Hanging out with successful people, reading about successful people, and
studying what successful people have done is a high pay-off activity.

I think it is vitally important to constantly fill your head with positive
information that will help your mind grow. This is a key to success in anything
in life.

Fitness, business, anything.

Knowledge without action produces no results so now that you have the knowledge
that successful people all have will you start working on your head every day?

I think so.

Train with purpose,

--Kyle Battis CSCS, NSCA-CPT

PS-My buddy Tom Venuto is a MASTER of working on his head! Click Here to see how he does it and how you can benefit from it as well!


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