Monday, September 08, 2008

How To Best Track Results For Fat Loss Success?

Ask The Fitness Expert Question:

"Hey Kyle,

I am tracking all my stats for the next 12 weeks. I was wondering since I don't have access to someone to measure my bodyfat professionally with calipers -if the things I do have at home are ok for this and wonder which is the most consistent and best device to use.

I have a fat trac2 which as you know measures 3 points and calculates my % and I have an Accumeansure which only measures the illiac and then I use the chart to convert it or I have a tanita body fat and weight scale whcih I heard is not real reliable. Would you please let me know which one you think would be the most accurate for me to measure results and keep consistent records. thanks for your input--Michael

Kyle's Answer:

Hey Michael,

Thanks for the e-mail and great question...

A mentor of mine says, "Everything measured improves...everything measured carefully improves exponentially."

My buddy and fat loss expert Tom Venuto teaches the importance of the Feedback Loop and testing yourself every week so that you know 'what's working, what's missing, and what's next."

With that said you can do great with the tools you already have...

I am a big fan of the Accumeasure because its cheap and repeatably consistent.

You don't have to test yourself with only the Iliac Crest site, you can test others too and I recommend it.

I recommend testing more than just your Iliac, test your thigh, and abdominal too.

I would also recommend keeping track of weight, and taking a series of tape measurement such as Calf, Thigh, Hips, Chest, Abs, and biceps.

For directions on how to do that just do a search on Google for specific How To's.

My buddy Tom Venuto also has a great guide that comes along with his excellent "Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle" program that shows you how to use the Accumeasure Calipers to monitor your fat loss progress.

That will give you a more complete picture of changes.

Hope that helps buddy!

Train with purpose,

Kyle Battis


Blogger Unknown said...

I feel strongly learning the topic, however I need to learn more on this topic.
Carry on your updates..!!


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